We love nothing more than getting in the spirit of holidays by making cards for our friends!
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Comes a time when everyone needs to take off a few pounds, even Gray & Nameless. But it’s so much more fun if you take it outside — and with your best friend!
On Monday morning, Gray & Nameless were alarmed to see how much weight they’d gained over the Thanksgiving weekend. Knowing that giving snacking and napping (their favorite activities) was out of the question, they pondered their options.
There was only one thing Gray & Nameless could do: begin an exercise regime. So they went to the local gym.
They walked on a treadmill…
…but that quickly became boring and monotonous.
The balance ball seemed needlessly dangerous. Gray & Nameless decided the gym simply wasn’t the place for them. “Let’s exercise outdoors, in the sunshine and fresh air!”
And so they went to the local park and tried the fitness course.
They balanced on bars.
“Volleyball! Let’s play volleyball!”
But of course,Gray & Nameless could not play vollyball, for they did not have a vollyball to play with. So they invented a new sport: netclimbing. They found that they were natural-born climbers!
Tree climbing!
Rock climbing!
After all that climbing, they decided on some more relaxing activities. Nameless suggested fishing.
And Gray suggested her favorite, lizardback riding.
And when they got home, they enjoyed some HEALTHFUL snacks: grapes…
…and yogurt…
… followed, of course, by a well-earned nap!
no comments | tags: exercise, gym, healthful living, holiday weight, monitor lizard, snack, thanksgiving | posted in The Saga of Gray & Nameless

1. Holidays in San Francisco; 2. Pretty lights at night; 3. Zamboni on ice.
1 comment | tags: holidays, lights, San Francisco, zamboni | posted in PHOTOS, Seen On The Streets Of San Francisco