Apr 14 2016

Whiter Shade of Time

snow, two ways

I grew up with these mountains. I love these mountains. Every morning, I check in with these  snow_capmountains. When life doesn’t make sense, these mountains calm me. When nothing good seems to last, these mountains remind me that nothing could be farther from the truth. There are good things that last. Because they last.

I especially love the winter, when they are covered with snow. The sun setting behind them, there is no more serene sight. Right now there’s just this little cap of snow left, that little spot of white, and each morning it grows smaller. It makes me a little sad, but not too sad. Because I know the snow will be back next winter. And the next winter after that. Something I can count on.

Speaking of something I can count on, there’s Picard. He who has given me family, by being loyal. He has given  muzzleme a sense of purpose, by inspiring me to become an Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) volunteer team. He’s got a little “snow” going on too, just like my mountain top. His snow is in his muzzle. And while the snow on the mountain diminishes a little each day, Picard’s muzzle grows increasingly, permanently, whiter. His life, like our own, is linear, not seasonal. And I think about this so much; about the passage of time, and life, and All Things Must Pass and This Too Shall Pass. And the realizations that I’d give anything to slow it down. Not go back; just slow it down, just a little.

These mountains have been pulling me, a lot these days. The urge to go sit atop one in silence, and just observe, is a strong one. Maybe that will slow it down.


Mar 2 2013

I am “Divorced With Dog”

Concept for a web series,where

“Sex and the City” meets “The Courtship of Eddie’s Father.”

For everyone who’s single, but not without a best friend.

Darian is reconstructing a life after divorce. When she rescues pup Picard, she finds herself getting some unexpected lessons — and finding adventure — in the darndest places.

It all started with this:


For more Divorced With Dog, check out the blog: www.doggiedoo.org, and don’t forget to Like their Facebook page!

Mar 2 2013

An introduction to the serial “The Saga of Gray & Nameless”

Please visit us at our new virtual Pup House!

As you might have guessed by their names, days were pretty dull for Gray & Nameless before they met. But together, they’ve found that every day can provide lots of opportunities to learn, to be of service, AND to have exciting adventures! They demonstrate that everyone who applies themselves, no matter how different they are from the pack (even 1″ rubber pit bulls!) should be accepted, treated with dignity, and given a chance to prove their value to society.

The Saga Of Gray & Nameless” looks at our society from the perspective of two 1″ pit bulls. They live in the same world we do, and face the same responsibilities and challenges that we face. But for them, even the most mundane task — like dropping a letter in a mailbox — can pose a difficult and dangerous situation. Yet their enthusiasm to accomplish each and every goal remains undeterred.

In addition the their daily pupdates and mini puptales, there is the series of  stories (suitable for kids of all ages).  Follow their saga on their own site, www.grayandnameless.com, and if you’re on Facebook, click here to visit their page. Become a fan and view  their photo albums to see their full (yet ongoing) story.

Mar 2 2013

Synopsis: The Adventures of Vulva Fervor

The iRay, a revolutionary medical invention that just may be the fountain of youth, has gone missing! And there’s only one person who can outsmart the mastermind behind a crime of this magnitude…

Vulva Fervor, a glamorous peacekeeping agent whose powers of persuasion are far more dangerous a weapon than any show of force, is about to face her greatest challenge yet: suppressing the urge to gag her jet-setting, air-headed, “stupid sister Viva”, a new recruit whom Vulva must train. Their paring can best be described as James Bond partnering-up with Austin Powers. In fashion boots.

Armed with only their wits, elite training, and two easily-agitated motion-detecting dachshunds, Team Fervor must spring into action to find the iRay – while still finding time to attend mandatory sibling psychotherapy sessions.


WATCH AS THEY stylishly work their way through the list of suspect who stand to gain the most by stealing the iRay: the worlds most famous diva; the NBA’s injury-plagued top player; the coach of an Olympic-bound women’s gymnastic team (whose medal chances are threatened by puberty); the terminally ill Senator who is willing to trade in a political favor in exchange for a his dying wish be granted; and the presidents of two rival anti-aging product corporations.

Combining the international intrigue of Casino Royale, the female empowerment of Charlie’s Angels, and the social commentary of Team America; The Adventures Of Vulva Fervor takes on –- in its own impossibly stylish way — youth-obsessed celebrities, starving prepubescent gymnasts, corporate greed, and sibling rivalry.



Enter her fabulous, excitement-and-danger-filled world at her website, www.vulvafervor.com. 

Also, you can find her on Facebook, darling!

contact dianekaragienakos@gmail.com to learn more.

Jul 1 2010

Gray & Nameless have a new home!

Please visit us at our new virtual Pup House!

I’ll miss them here, but it was time, and they’ve earned it. Gray & Nameless now have their very own website: www.grayandnameless.com. There you’ll find the Daily Pupdates, exciting Puptales, and the complete collection of children’s books, and other fun stuff — SOON. There’s an awful lot of content to upload. But their Facebook page will live on, as will their presence on Twitter . You can even write to them at pups@grayandnameless.com.

Jun 17 2010

Chapter 10: San Francisco’s A Small World After All!

When Gray & Nameless visit their dear friend, Mr. Boo, in his San Francisco neighborhood of  Chinatown, they discover an entirely different culture  — and are set on a journey to learn about as many cultures as possible in San Francisco’s many ethnic neighborhoods!

Feb 11 2010

Chapter 9: Working Class Pups!

Feeling the urge to be a more productive part of society, Gray & Nameless set a goal to join the workforce!

Feb 8 2010

Chapter 8: Even Pups Need To Reach Out For Help Sometimes

After going through an unsettling ordeal, Nameless has difficulty returning to everyday life. But with Gray at his side for support, he gets the help he needs to put the experience behind him and move on.

Jan 30 2010

Rainy Day Pups

Jan 13 2010

Country Pups