Chapter 7: Adventures Doing Good Deeds!
One night, Gray & Nameless learned that helping others is its own reward. And it can be fun!
- Gray & Nameless were excited for a long overdue dinner in Chinatown with their dear friend, Mr. Boo.
- While waiting for the bus, they decided it was such such a nice night out that they should walk.
- Suddenly it seemed like there was Mysterious Writing wherever they looked!
- “Look over here, Gray. Why, it’s everywhere!”
- “It’s as if they contain Secret Messages. Let’s decode one, Nameless!”
- Gray & Nameless concentrated so hard on decoding the Mysterious Writing, it made them dizzy!
- They soon realized that they still had a long walk ahead of them, and if they didn’t hurry they’d be late meeting Mr. Boo at his bus stop. However, they were relieved to take one more little break.
- “Look, here it it! Here comes Mr. Boo’s bus now!”
- But the bus didn’t stop. It kept right on going — and no Mr. Boo!
- They waited a while, but still no Mr. Boo. “It’s unlike him to be late, and it was raining on his side of town. Do you think he’s okay?”
- “We’d better give him a call.”
- It’s a good thing they called when they did: Mr. Boo had taken a nasty spill in the rain as he was leaving, and hurt both his legs! The ambulance was on its way to take him to the hospital.
- Gray & Nameless rushed right over to the hospital, but then hesitated to enter. “It will be sad to see others sick or in pain and not be able to help them, Nameless.” “You’re right, Gray… But we’ll be helping Mr. Boo just by letting him know we’re here for him.”
- They sat in the waiting room with other visitors, and that’s when they got the idea for the perfect way to cheer up Mr. Boo….
- Chinese takeout! They ordered from Mr. Boo’s favorite Chinatown restaurant, and dinner was delivered to them right there in the hospital. Mr Boo was very grateful for Gray & Nameless’s thoughtfulness, and felt better immediately.
- On their way home, Gray & Nameless talked about how being there for Mr. Boo not only made him feel good — it made them feel good, too! So they gave their leftover Chinese food to a poor man on the street who was hungry.
- And they took the time to hold open a big door for a nice lady in a wheelchair. Boy, that wasn’t easy!
- The next morning was unusually bright and sunny, and Gray & Nameless slept especially well after their night of helping others in need. They couldn’t wait to see what the new day had in store for them, and how they might be able to help others!