As you might have guessed by their names, days were pretty dull for Gray & Nameless before they met. But together, they’ve found that every day can provide lots of opportunities to learn, to be of service, AND to have exciting adventures! They demonstrate that everyone who applies themselves, no matter how different they are from the pack (even 1″ rubber pit bulls!) should be accepted, treated with dignity, and given a chance to prove their value to society.
The Saga Of Gray & Nameless” looks at our society from the perspective of two 1″ pit bulls. They live in the same world we do, and face the same responsibilities and challenges that we face. But for them, even the most mundane task — like dropping a letter in a mailbox — can pose a difficult and dangerous situation. Yet their enthusiasm to accomplish each and every goal remains undeterred.
In addition the their daily pupdates and mini puptales, there is the series of stories (suitable for kids of all ages). Follow their saga on their own site,, and if you’re on Facebook, click here to visit their page. Become a fan and view their photo albums to see their full (yet ongoing) story.
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“It looks like it’s gonna rain, Nameless. What should we do today?”
Gray & Nameless considered lots of choices. Like reading…
and watching movies…
Nameless said, “I know, let’s listen to records! Here’s the first one I ever bought!”
Gray said, “Let’s make up our own song, together! You play the music, and I’ll sing the words.”
Nameless had a good idea: “Let’s really use our imaginations and pretend we’re sitting around a campfire!”
And once they started using their imaginations, there was no stopping Gray & Nameless. “That’s not a lampshade — it’s a spaceship…”
“Look, Nameless… a portal to an exotic, ancient land. Let’s go!”
Once they arrived in the exotic, ancient land, they met an elephant who’d fallen from his treehouse. He asked Gray & Nameless if they would help him climb back up.
“Of course we’ll help!” Nameless went first. Gray needed a boost from the elephant.
“I got you, Gray!”
Almost there…
“WE DID IT!” Together, Gray & Nameless pulled the elephant back into his treehouse.
Having worked up quite an appetite, Gray & Nameless left the exotic, ancient land in search of the land of the future, and its “Magical Hot Food Generator”.
“We’ve got a problem, Gray. I’m not sure how to activate it.”
“You turn the knob, Nameless!” But Gray & Nameless had an even bigger problem: deciding what they wanted for supper…
After supper, Gray & Nameless fell fast asleep for the longest nap ever!
no comments | tags: elephant, imagination, meatballs, saga of gray & nameless, spaceship | posted in The Saga of Gray & Nameless