Nov 1 2012

Welcome to My Adultland. It’s wonderful to see you here.

I'm just a girl.

I’m just a girl.

Shall we start with the question “What is Adultland?”

“A place with rules.” So it was defined by someone who felt the need to point out some fundamental truths to me. “We live in adultland here, we have rules”. I won’t go into boring detail about the backstory that lead to this enlightening yet sobering (literally) declaration — unless you write in and beg for it. But it made me think. And I replied “I, too,  live in ‘Adultland’. But in my Adultland, the rules can be bent and broken. In fact, that’s half the fun! So long as you’re not deliberately hurting anyone.”

So, if you think adultland is filled with girls gone wild and the fantasy of SoCo Coke-drenched sticky experiences with stranger in bathroom stalls of Vegas casinos, this isn’t for you. See, My Adultland is what I imagined adulthood to be. Adulthood was filled with Glamour. Adulthood was filled with Mystery. Adulthood was sexy —  just beneath the surface. What was unsaid and unseen was far more… interesting. Of course what the hell did I know? I was a kid growing up in Vegas (back when Vegas had Glamour and Mystery and Dean Martin) whose imagination was sent soaring by all the subliminal messages in Brut and Windsong commercials of the seventies. But you know what? I still cling to my visions of what adultland can be. I’m bringing sexy back. My way. Mommies, you are welcome — just get a sitter for the little ones first. Smoking is permitted — please step outside and use the ashtray.

Sorry, I’ve got nothing to share on recent child-rearing studies, automobile safety, or Starbucks vs. Peets. But I know a thing or 2 about vintage boots; great food, wine & cocktails; blowing up your life mid-way through and starting over; and the power of Funk. Oh no, you cannot fight the funk… the funk will find you.

And yes, what happens in My Adultland stays in My Adultland. Now excuse me while I slip into something more comfortable…


Diane Karagienakos

The Queen of My Adultland

ps — please don’t ever write in to me about typos, mis-spelling, etc. I’m a stickler for that sort of thing. That said, most of my postings here will be done very late at night. With a glass of good red nearby. Meaning “I DON’T CARE ABOUT TYPOS RIGHT NOW.”

Thank You.

Jan 30 2012

Friday the 13th (of April) double feature: “It Is What It Is” and “The Watch Tower” on one stage!

Join me for the long, long  long-awaited premiere of the full-length production of “It Is What It Is.” No more chopping it down to fit festival time restrictions. This time we’re doing it the right way! But wait — it gets better! Right after, on the same stage will be the premiere of the short play “The Watch Tower,” by award-winning writer Chris Barranti. Both shows directed by Kathryn L. Wood.

It Is What It Is incorporates real-time multimedia (text, email, IM) to illustrate that among the simultaneous conversations we may have at any given time, the medium greatly affects the message.At its core, it is the story of three estranged siblings who reunite at their elderly father’s death bed. In doing so, it comes to light how childhood “memories” (or, are they?) helped define the adults they became. As they struggle through this crisis — and the other issues in their lives — they consciously or unconsciously are “shaping” these new experiences; thus curating future memories. It also explores the idea that what we choose to document (and how honestly we document it) helps impacts not only our memories, but also our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us.

The Watch Tower was born from reflections on Henry David Thoreau’s, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go the grave with the song still in them.”  The action centers at San Francisco bar and grill during a combustible rainy afternoon. All share a unique emotional starvation and intersect at the very height of hunger. The results are combative, absurdly humorous and finally awakening.

All shows at the Exit Theatre, 156 Eddy St., San Francisco, CA 94102. Ticket information will be announced shortly. Performance dates / times (all in  April 2012):

13, 14 (8pm); 15 (3pm) / 19, 20, 21 (8pm) / 27, 28 (8pm); 29 (3pm)

21561 Eddy Street, San Francisco, CA 94102