Chapter 5: Adventures In Reading Books & Watching TV… & DREAMING!
You don’t have to go very far to find inspirations for some outrageous adventures — chances are they’re right there in your favorite books and television programs!
- Every Wednesday night, Gray & Nameless took turns reading to each other.
- They especially liked books with pictures. They often pretended they were part of the pictures in the books.
- After a while, they realized they were very hungry! Gray suggest they go out for Thai food, since Nameless had never tried it before.
- Not sure what was the best way to get to the restaurant, Gray & Nameless asked their neighborhood fireman, Lt. Mike. Mike suggested they take the MUNI bus.
- Nameless gave Gray a boost so she could look out the window of the bus. “Wow, you can see so much from up here!”
- At the Thai restaurant, Gray & Nameless had to pass through a pretty garden to get to their table.
- “Ooh, let’s start with some hot tea!”
- The brown rice & veggies was very good…
- …but the red curry eggplant was especially tasty — AND SPICY!!!
- From the album: “Chapter 4.5: A Typical Night In San Francisco (a mini adventure)” by The Saga of Gray & Nameless “May we have more water, please? The Sriracha sauce was much hotter than we expected!”
- Nameless was so grateful to Gray for introducing him to Thai food, he picked up the tab!
- When Gray & Nameless got home, they were delighted to find their favorite program on TV: An Adventure Documentary!
- They got to see ships…
- and swamps…
- and crazy sunsets…
- and plains…
- and the ocean…
- and the desert…
- Gray & Nameless were so tired after such a full, fun evening, they fell asleep in front of the TV. Maybe it was all that Thai food right before bed…
- …but the strange dreams began almost immediately. They were swimming with a big goldfish…
- The goldfish wanted to play hide-and-seek!
- “Where could such a big goldfish hide, Gray?”
- The funny thing was, the big goldfish could see Gray & Nameless the whole time!
- The goldfish reminded Nameless of something he’d seen earlier that day…
- …when suddenly, Gray & Nameless found themselves in a most surreal world.
- Things didn’t quite make sense in the surreal world… but that’s what made it fun!
- It was so exciting, Gray & Nameless need to lie down for a catnap.
- When they woke up, they were part of the surreal world too!
- And then a big gust of wind that looked just like a hand blew in a snowstorm…
- …and it blew Gray & Nameless all the way into a snow-covered land! They found shelter in a hidden cave.
- They met a beautiful Snow Princess, and asked her what was the best way for them to get home.
- She told Gray & Nameless they’d have to go through the Mystical Snow Portal, and offered to lead them to it.
- She told them of the legendary Snow Dragon that protects the Portal. “No one has ever seen him, but they say he eats Pups & Princesses!”
- Suddenly, the snow dragon appeared out of nowhere! Gray & Nameless & The Princess were indeed terrified!
- But then the Snow Dragon only looked terrifying. He told a very funny joke…
- …and everyone laughed so hard they fell down!
- The next thing they knew, Gray & Nameless woke up tangled in their living room rug. Which was odd, because the last thing they remembered was dozing off on the chair in front of the TV…