I can’t decide who I find more fun to watch: the rappers or the woman who looks like she’d rather be getting a root canal. I don’t think she was pleased that I encouraged them. But of course, her reaction was half the reason that I did encourage them.
I just wanted to take their picture… they thought I wanted to videotape them, so… why not? I’d never used my camera’s video camera feature before — I’ve always been fond of the still myself. But now I see some shots mean so much more if you can see their context. Because context can be everything.
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Jasper's smile always makes me happy.
This is Jasper. He sells Streetsheets around the corner from my flat. If I ever need a bodyguard, I’m hiring Jasper. Because he could disarm anyone with that smile.
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This tunnel is our tunnel...

Wait for it...
I’ll be the first to admit that a lot of folks in San Francisco enjoy talking talk, but not are not inclined to leave their enviable cafe seat (the one in the window) and latte to walk the walk.
But the good news is there are a lot of folks who do ride the ride. Critical Mass, that is: the monthly movement — of bicycles in the street — that promotes bicycling and bicyclists’ right to share the road. I couldn’t find an actual site for Critical Mass, so your best bet is to search “critical mass” and the name of the city you’re interested in to see if there’s a movement near you. In San Francisco, also check out the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition.

Look, rockstars!

Our work is done here.
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Isn’t that a catchy little logline? Thank you. I wrote it.
Sorry if I’m gloating. I’m just UBER EXCITED about the San Francisco premiere of the short film I produced 2 years ago (shot here in San Francisco), “Back Issues“.
And it’s finally making its San Francisco big-screen debut as part of SF Indie Fest, after touring the world on the festival circuit. Screening dates are February 8 & 15 at The Roxie Cinema. Visit the link above for more information. Okay, here’s the synopsis:
It’s Friday morning. A proposal has been made. The clock is ticking. A decision must be reached.
Do you put an expiration date on your dream? That is the question Peter, an aspiring comic book letterer, must face after his proposal to his girlfriend, Felicia, is met with an ultimatum: “Either give up comics and get a real job, or we’re through.” Come Monday, Peter must decide. And all on the day he decided to quit smoking.
As if Peter isn’t under enough pressure, there are still more surprises awaiting him at Al’s Comics, where he works. Al weighs in on Peter’s dilemma – and Al’s opinion is usually not what Peter wants to hear. There’s also Foggy, a regular who paints a picture of love too impossibly perfect (he met his wife at Comicon) to be true. And of course, the annoying customer who just. won’t. go. away. ever.
Things go from bad to worse when the world’s most inept thieves show up to rob the store. Luckily for Peter, he has an ally in Diana, a new customer (and fellow comic book artist) who is much more than she appears. It all leads to a moment of reckoning when Peter realizes that only one thing stands between him and his destiny:
Back Issues.
BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! Also in February, Back Issues is screening in LA as part of the Show Off Your Shorts Festival! It’s also the first 2 weeks in February, and as soon as I have screening dates, I’ll put the word out. Word.
To learn more, please visit the official site at Or watch the trailer here at back_issues_teaser_mpeg_4_300kbps
no comments | tags: Add new tag, al's comics, Back Issues, comic book, comic con, imdb, indie film, roxie cinema, San Francisco, sf indie fest | posted in PERFORMANCES
To download the pilot script, please click below:

Imagine “Friends” if they were interesting. Imagine “Seinfeld” is they weren’t so Jewish — not that there’s anything wrong with that. Imagine “Taxi” for today. Yeah, that’s it: “Taxi” for Today!
no comments | tags: artists, black, comedy, ensemble, friends, gay, latino, pilot television, San Francisco, sparkle | posted in Come Fly With Me Nude
It’ll be back. New cast, for Todd and I both feel it’s time to pass the torch. We’re both focusing on new projects, plus we want to watch some new blood breath new life into Dom & Bella. We’re both focusing on writing. All of this is my pleasant was of saying “we’re getting a little long in the tooth to be Dom & Bella. And honestly, it’s a relief. If you’ve ever seen us perform the Dolphin Dance or the ice skating routine (sans ice), you know exactly what I mean.
But stay tuned. Any breaking news will be announce here first. Or on Dom & Bella’s blog.
no comments | tags: artists, comedy, fosse, Fringe Festival, San Francisco, stage, theatre | posted in Come Fly With Me Nude, PERFORMANCES
There’s a whole virtual world surrounding Come Fly With Me Nude” the movie.

There’s the actual movie site.
There’s Dom & Bella’s site protesting the movie.
There’s Dom & Bella’s blog.
There’s Omni-Dazzle Television’s (the network that lured Dom & Bella to Hollywood) site.
There’s the site for St. John Smythe, host of “The Art of Conversation” (Omni-Dazzle’s talk show that delves into the artist’s process.).
There’s the site for “The Art of Conversation”.
The’re the site for the very sexy and impossibly talented Patrick Bowsher, who scored the film.
And of course, the IMDB site.
no comments | tags: comedy, independent film, Omni-Dazzle Television, San Francisco, St. John Smythe, The Art Of Conversation | posted in Come Fly With Me Nude

Rejected from mime troupe. Not a “team player”.
no comments | tags: captions, mime, photography, San Francisco | posted in PHOTOS, Seen On The Streets Of San Francisco